I have had a pencil or brush in my hand for as long as I can remember. From the age of 6 I could be found in my dad’s studio, which was located on the top floor of our house. My greatest inspiration, my dad taught me many things, but also just let me loose with a paint brush. My brothers and I were allowed to decorate our bedroom walls however we wanted.

Eventually life’s journey led me do a degree in 3-dimensional design in Brighton. Here I was taught about design, proportion, drawing, properties, and methods of production with certain materials, amongst many other things.

Armed with my degree I was let loose on the world. And the world is where I went. After travelling to many places, I ended up in Egypt, where I stayed for 10 years working for an export company in charge of product development. It was here I met my darling wife.

Alongside designing things for work, I was painting murals in people’s homes, as well as painting watercolours and oils of local scenes around Egypt.

We came back to the UK just before the Arab Spring began after starting a family. Because I am from the area, and love it so much, we settled around Llandudno.

Unfortunately, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. After a long and brave struggle, she eventually passed away in 2019. I had been her full-time carer and was devastated. Suddenly I was a single parent.

At first, as an escape, I began to draw and paint again. But as I began to heal it became more and more serious. I hope you like my work, as it is enabling me to be a stay at home dad. Plus, I am doing something that I love, and I can’t wait to wake up every morning to begin to draw and paint.